Saturday, June 13, 2015

God where are you?

I have asked this question many times and every time I ask I receive the same answer from God, "I am right here". So many times when we are struggling and going through tough times we want to question Gods presence! We have all went through moments of confusion, bitterness, anger, and disappointment. These moments have one of two effects on us. They can either push us to elevate our faith in God or have us question it. Isaiah 41:10 says; Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

It is time for some inner reflection and self-examination. God has not left and forsaken us but there have been times in all of our lives where we have left and forsaken God for the things of this world. As soon as our plans mess up, or things go wrong we question God. The life of a Christian requires much discipline and selflessness. There are many times where you will find yourself at a cross road, and you will have to make a decision am I going to do what God has called me to do or what I want to do? Our relationship with Christ many times ends up being secondary instead of primary. Money, cars, clothes, shoes, drugs, men, and women can all become idols that we place before God if we aren’t careful. God has invested so much in us, but many of us are not willing to invest 10 minutes a day with Him.

Well Ashley I don't know where to start? 
Start with the Bible, which is a guide written to help us get through many of life's tough times! I know some people may be ashamed and embarrassed of their past and feel like they can't go back to God because they have strayed so far away. Know this, God is waiting with open arms to receive you. He knows all that you've done and all he is looking for is you to repent your sins so the enemy can't keep using them against you. I have been through the same thing in high school, because I strayed so far away from God I didn't think I would be accepted back. I said to myself why would God want someone as sinful as me? How could God possibly use someone like me? If God can use Saul who persecuted Christians and turn him into Paul he can use you! If God can use Moses who had a speech impediment and killed a man to lead thousands of people to the promise land he can use you! He doesn't call the qualified He qualifies those who he calls! God hasn't left us! He's waiting for us to realize we don't have to be perfect to meet with Him. We will go through trials and tribulations none of us are exempt from bad days. Whatever your going through whatever you been through I want to encourage you on two things; 

1) God loves you more then anyone on earth ever could. 
2) God can make All things new!

Choices become more and more imperative each day. The older we get the more our choices affect not only us but also those we have influence over (siblings, children, spouses, etc.). Why not choose God? He has already chosen you. 

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