Monday, May 16, 2016

What legacy will you leave?

I got the awesome privilege to listen to and watch Dr. L.H Clayton (my grandpa) preach the word of God for 18 years. I got the chance to watch how he interacted with people in and out of church. No matter where he was or who he was surrounded by he practiced what he preached. My grandpa was blessed to live till the age of 81. At his funeral stitched into the top of his casket were the words, "Let my life speak for me". Nothing could have been more fitting because his life and how he acted and treated people spoke volumes about the type of man he was.
I remember at the funeral I started to ask myself a series of questions that I now want to ask you. What legacy will you leave?  What will people say about you at your funeral? Will they say you were a women of God or a man of God? Will they say you practiced what you preached? Did you inspire anyone? Many people got up and had loving words at the funeral. They quoted some of grandpas favorite scriptures and sang some of his favorite songs. It was nice to see so many people celebrate his life and the legacy he left. It really got me thinking that we only get one shot at life and none of us knows how long it'll last. But it seems too short to be straddling the fence going back and forth on whether you are going to serve God or not. Many people especially the younger generation believe they have years before they have to "get it right with God", but what if that's just not true. The bible says in Matthew 24 that no man know the day nor the hour. Thats why I feel a sense of urgency to share with my brothers and sisters these few facts:
God is real.
God is forgiving. It does not matter how dirty your past is He makes all things new (Acts 3:21).
God loves you so much He sent His one and only son down to die for your sins (John 3:16).
God desires a relationship with you. This one gets me every time that the Lord of the universe desires to have a relationship with me. He knows all of my sins nothing is hidden from Him and He still loves me. 
I can't speak for anyone else. I just know when it is all said and done I want my life to speak for me like my grandpas life spoke for him. I want to leave a legacy full of faith and love. What will your legacy be?
Blessings to you all!

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